Arkitektforum, March 2021

Conferences & Events

Integrate Remote 2021

Dates are set for this years edition of Integrate Remote 2021, the event is scheduled for 1-3 June 12-7 PM (UK Time)!

Integrationsbolaget will attend the event as usual as it’s considered to be one of the most relevant integration events of the year.

We will share our findings after the event so let us know if you are interested in the event but cannot attend yourself and would like a quick summary.

Microsoft Azure

Azure Arc – the future of hybrid and multicloud – according to Microsoft


Find out how Azure Arc enabled API Management can help you solve critical business needs, check out our earlier post about Self-hosted API Management Gateway.

API Management Diagnostics now available in public preview

API Management Diagnostics provides an intelligent and interactive experience to help customers troubleshoot their API , with no configuration required. 

When you build and manage an API in Azure API Management, you want to be prepared for any issues that may arise, from 404 not found errors to 502 bad gateway error. API Management Diagnostics is an intelligent and interactive experience to help you troubleshoot your API published in APIM with no configuration required. When you do run into issues with your published APIs, API Management Diagnostics points out what’s wrong, and guides you to the right information to quickly troubleshoot and resolve the issue.


You can use predefined categories to start troubleshooting issues.

Intelligent Search

You can use a search bar to search for common issues and get guidance to solve issues quickly.

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General availability: Azure API Management now has named values integration with Azure Key Vault

API Management’s named values can now be stored and managed in Azure Key Vault. This feature has been out for a while in public preview but are now general available and ready to be used in production scenarios.

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Azure API Management extension for Visual Studio Code now generally available

Perform common management operations on your Azure API Management service instances without switching away from Visual Studio Code. The extension helps developers to stay more productive without having to switch between tools and interfaces.

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General availability: Azure Functions supports .NET 5 in production

Azure Functions now supports running production applications in .NET 5, the latest version of .NET.

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Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes is now generally available

Now you can on-board all your Kubernetes clusters in production and manage them centrally from Azure with the help of Azure Arc which is now generally available.

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General availability support for Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 API on Azure Service Bus Premium

Use existing applications that leverage JMS 2.0 API to talk to Service Bus without any code changes. Only configuration changes are required. This feature makes it possible for you to easily move away from on premise messages brokers that leverages JMS or connect current EAI solutions to Service Bus the same way you would when using any other JMS provider (like MQ Brokers).

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Public preview: Application Insights work item integration for Azure DevOps & GitHub

Azure Monitor Application Insights has released a new way to create work items based on application insights telemetry. This gives you the possibility to create DevOps or GitHub work items based on Application Insights telemetry and at the same time include telemetry data from Application Insights to set the context to kick off working with the work item.

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Public preview: Application Insights auto-instrumentation for .NET5 App Services

Azure Monitor application insights now offers auto-instrumentation for .NET5 based Windows App Services. All the familiar functionality is available out of the box, the same way as for older .Net versions.

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.NET Core 2.1 will reach End of Support on August 21, 2021

.NET Core 2.1 is reaching end of support on August 21, 2021.

Read more in this link:

.NET Core 2.1 will reach End of Support on August 21, 2021 | .NET Blog (

The version with the longest support left now is .NET Core 3.1 (EOS December 3, 2022).

.NET Core 5 is not a LTS release (Long Term Support) so it’s only supported 3 months after the .NET 6 release, approximately EOS February 2022.

Read more about Microsoft Support policy in this link:

.NET Core and .NET 5 official support policy (

Further reading

Community blog posts, news and interesting reading:

Actions required

Under this section we will list information about upcoming changes, products that will be retired or other general information that could affect your daily business if no actions are taken.

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